10 Habits To Be Happier

Remember that everything we give, we get back. If you smile at the world, it will smile back.
10 habits to be happier

“Being happy like a bird” is possible. Remember when was the last time you laughed out loud until your stomach hurt? Or when you felt full of the good things that happen daily?

If you feel that sadness or dissatisfaction is taking over your life, read this article for the best habits to be happier.

How to be happier?

spend more time outdoors

If during the week you are locked in a company or in an apartment with no trees around, on the weekends, take the opportunity to go to a park, a city surrounded by nature, or the beach.

A little time outdoors will make you feel better and your mental health will appreciate it. The scientifically proven green color not only generates happiness, but also positivity and emotional stability.

Also, going somewhere where there is a lot of silence will relax you and lower your stress levels. Sunbathing for a few minutes will help to produce vitamin D, which is closely related to good health, but also to happiness and the elimination of depression.

sweat more

We are not very used to being lovers of physical exercise, however it has many advantages, in addition to helping to lose weight and tone your muscles.

Basically because it allows you to release toxins. A training session or at least a walk in a park will flush your body of toxins, which translates to happiness and the production of disease-fighting hormones.

As if that wasn’t enough, your skin will be much more beautiful, it will release tension and the night will “sleep like a baby”.

Sleep more

No matter how many activities you do each day, you need to rest between 7 and 8 hours (in a row) at night. And if you have the possibility of taking a nap, don’t hesitate.

Sleeping is about good mood, optimism and productivity. Saving the hours of sleep, on the contrary, causes depression, irritability, headache, etc.

And, if possible, try to stick to a time for going to bed and getting up, so that your mind and body will get used to it.


It is not necessary to travel to Tibet and enter a temple full of shaved-headed monks. It’s possible to meditate in your home when you have a few minutes every day, or look for the perfect place and time to do so.

Some people choose to practice meditation early in the morning to feel more fulfilled and happier all day, others choose to meditate when the sun goes down to get rid of all the bad vibes of the day. It depends on you.

In the beginning it will be difficult to “leave your mind blank”, but little by little you will succeed.

find a new hobby

A hobby is mentally stimulating as well as being a fun thing to get out of the rut. A hobby will help you be happier, because it will increase your self-confidence and allow you to make friends.

In addition, you’ll enjoy quality time doing something you enjoy, you’ll put aside your sedentary lifestyle, make a dream come true, etc. If you’ve always wanted to learn French, do Taekwondo or play the piano, now is the perfect time!

listen to positive music

It can be the type of music you like the most, disco, electronica, salsa or pop. The important thing is that it makes you feel good. Make the volume as much as possible in your home and arrange or prepare dinner.

Even more, put the headphones on and enjoy listening in the morning while you’re going to work, make your life always musical.

That way, you can reduce stress and be happier. And if you feel like dancing, get moving!

write what happens to you

We all have issues and concerns. A good way to find relief or a solution is to write about it. Also, you will be very relieved if you use a diary (no one needs to read).

Write down your negative thoughts, make a ball out of the paper and throw it in the trash. With this “symbolic” act, the brain will realize that writing on a sheet is not good.

You don’t have to be a perfect writer, write down whatever goes through your head and don’t think about syntax or spelling mistakes.

Be grateful

How long has it been since you said “thank you”? Being grateful and having an attitude of recognition is really very important to be happy. And that word that sometimes seems so hard to get out of our lips is one of the most cleansing words there is.

It is not necessary to say it only to another person, but also to yourself. So, be thankful for the good things you have (which really are many), feel blessed by affection, health, home, work, projects, the bed you sleep in and the food on your plate.

In short, being grateful for life will allow you to experience more than positive emotions.

be a better friend

Do the following exercise: analyze your attitudes as a friend and indicate if this is what you want to receive from your friends. Are you a companion, do you listen to them, encourage them, are you there when they need you?

What things would you like to change about your personality or your role as a friend? Do you think your friends are happy by your side? Friends are the family we choose, and that choice is mutual.

If you feel happy with them, they will feel complete with you too. Cultivate friendship daily, show your feelings to your friends.

spread joy wherever you go

Do you really want to be happy? So spread happiness wherever you go. No scowls, complaints and insults in the street. Always with a smile, a “thank you” and a positive attitude.

It will certainly be out of step with others, but it will also set a precedent. People will want to imitate you, they will feel happy around you, they will start to smile if you smile. Remember that whatever you give, you get in return.

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