9 Reasons To Eat Avocado

By eating avocado we can get benefits both internally, as it favors digestion and strengthens bones, and externally, as it takes care of our skin.
9 reasons to eat avocado

Eating avocados should be among your top priorities. In addition to offering flavor and texture, it is full of  fatty acids that contain extremely low levels of cholesterol.

Avocado is a very special fruit of which you can find different species. All of them give your meals a particular flavor, give an incredible texture that appeals to almost any taste, are delicious and provide lots of nutrients.

Its calorie content is lower than commonly believed, and most of its fat content comes from sources such as phytosterols. Want more reasons to eat avocado? Check it out below.

Reasons to Eat Avocado Regularly

1. Promotes good digestion

Eating avocado promotes good digestion

Thanks to its soluble and insoluble fiber content, eating avocado helps your digestive system to continue functioning without any problem.

These two types of fiber are important for your digestion as they help in the process of eliminating what your body doesn’t need. Therefore, they prevent problems such as diarrhea or constipation.

When you consume a good portion of avocado, it  helps food to pass through the intestine more nimbly.

It also stimulates gastric and digestive juices, which allows nutrients to be absorbed more quickly and effectively.

2. Favors your oral health

Eating avocados also helps prevent halitosis  caused by indigestion or an upset stomach.

If you have bad breath and suspect it’s due to poor diet, try consuming half avocado a day. If this is really the problem, doing this will yield great results.

Avocado’s flavonoids and antioxidant and antibacterial properties  also help to eliminate bacteria from the mouth.

And if all of the above sounds like a little, you should know that avocado consumption is related to the prevention of mouth cancer.

3. Provides healthier skin and hair

Eating avocados give you healthier skin and hair

Avocados are full of nutrients that help to care for and maintain healthy skin.

They are able to nourish the skin when it is dry, cracked or damaged. For this reason, it is normal to find a lot of beauty products that have this fruit as a base.

Eating avocados give your body a lot of vitamins, beta-carotene and lycopene, without the need to spend too much on beauty products.

To complement your beauty routines  you can apply an avocado mask from time to time, although this is not necessary if you consume the fruit frequently.

4. Favors eye health

Because of its carotenoid content, eating avocado helps  protect your eyes against cataracts and other age-related eye diseases  and macular degeneration.

This is due to the fact that in most cases these problems are caused by free radicals that accumulate in the eye tissue.

The antioxidant activity of carotenoids counteracts the effects of these dangerous compounds.

5. Strengthen your heart

Eating avocado strengthens your heart

Avocados contain beta-sitosterol, a compound that helps keep cholesterol levels in check. This means that eating avocados protect your heart from arrhythmias and atherosclerosis.

Avocados are also rich in potassium. It acts as a vasodilator that relaxes tension in blood vessels and arteries.

Other problems this fruit helps to control are:

  • Hypertension
  • clots
  • heart attacks
  • cardiovascular accidents

6. Supplies Vitamin K Deficiency

Vitamin K deficiency is not a very common condition, but it is often strongly present in neonatal care.

When we don’t have enough vitamin K, we can develop clotting problems, which can be dangerous for a pregnancy or if you have anemia.

For this reason, eating avocado is a good idea to keep levels of this vitamin stable. Avocados contain nearly 40% of the vitamin K your body needs every day.

7. Fights Arthritis

The anti-inflammatory properties of avocado are one of the most attractive and valuable benefits of  this fruit.

In these come into play a wide range of phytochemicals, flavonoids, carotenoids, phytosterols and omega 3 fatty acids.

If you want to reduce pain and inflammation in your joints and muscles, include a medium-sized avocado in your diet.

You don’t have to eat it all at once, and you can split it over several dishes throughout the day.

8. Strengthens the health of your bones

Avocado carotenoids are strongly related to the reduction of cartilage defects. This is one of the most common symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Eating avocados can help reduce your risk of suffering from this disease.

At the same time, its high levels of minerals (zinc, phosphorus, copper, calcium and selenium) offer benefits to bones and  decrease the risk of suffering or worsening osteoporosis, as they increase bone mineral density.

9. Improves nutrient absorption

Eating avocado improves nutrient absorption

The nutrients present in fruits and vegetables are better assimilated when they are combined with a piece of avocado. This combination helps you  absorb between 3 and 5 times better carotenoid antioxidants .

This is good news if you eat the recommended fruits to fight free radicals.

So, occasionally eating a mixed salad or consuming a smoothie that includes avocado can make your meals healthier and healthier.

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