See How To Get Rid Of Warts With Just One Ingredient

To permanently eliminate warts we must consult a doctor. As a home remedy, onion is a natural antibiotic that has antiseptic and antiviral properties, which help to strengthen the immune system and fight the virus that produces the bothersome warts.
See how to get rid of warts with just one ingredient

Warts are benign tumors that look like tiny spheres hanging from the skin, leaving an unsightly, unsightly appearance.

Most warts do not pose a health hazard. But the fact that they are visible makes them a problem that most people want to fight.

All warts vary in size, shape and area of ​​the body where they appear.

These skin changes often appear in parts such as: fingers, elbows, knees, face, neck and even the scalp.

It is very difficult to eliminate warts completely as they are a symptom of the human papilloma virus (HPV).

However, with some care and good treatment, we can reduce them remarkably and prevent them from appearing in the future.

Although today there are a lot of industrial and home remedies available to eliminate small skin warts, today we want to recommend an excellent treatment that uses a single ingredient.

Are you ready to remove these nasty warts?

Eliminate small warts with onion treatment

the warts

If you take a look at many of the home remedies for getting rid of warts, you will see that onions are one of the main ingredients to get rid of them quickly and effectively.

This is because several studies have shown that onions have antiseptic and antiviral properties that help to strengthen the immune system and fight the virus that produces the dreaded warts.

Another reason why onion is recommended to quickly eliminate warts is because of its sulfur components, which stimulate blood circulation.

However, it takes attention and care! They can also cause irritation.

These compounds speed up the wart removal process. So they are one of the reasons why onions are one of the best ingredients to fight this problem.

To take advantage of all the benefits that the onion offers to treat warts, the ideal is to include it more often in the diet in order to strengthen the body internally and help fight the virus that causes this problem.

By increasing your daily intake of onions, you provide your body with a natural antibiotic that will help your body’s cells renew faster. At the same time, it helps to create a layer of protection against viruses.

Topical use

As the idea is to get rid of warts quickly, the topical use of onions should complete this treatment until you get the desired results.

To do this, you should keep in mind that applying raw onions can slightly irritate the skin that is near the warts.

However, this drawback can be solved by preparing a soft paste with an onion previously boiled in water.

Simply apply the onion paste over the wart, cover it with an adhesive and leave it to act overnight.

the warts

However, if you try to use raw onion and it doesn’t cause any irritation, you can apply it directly to the wart twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening.

The great advantage of using raw onion is that in this way it retains all its properties and is more effective.

In either case, it is very important that you keep in mind that the results will not be immediate.

Also, you must be consistent with the application to get results.


This natural treatment to remove small warts from the skin quickly is usually very effective, but it is not definitive.

When warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV), it is very important to see a doctor for proper treatment.

Thus, it will be possible to win the battle against this virus and completely eliminate it from your body.

If it remains in our body, it is likely that warts will continue to appear in different areas of the body.

In the long run, it can cause an even bigger problem, such as cervical cancer in women.

Under no circumstances should you try to remove the warts yourself!

This recommendation is very important because doing this can aggravate the problem, in addition to infecting other areas of the body and even other people.

If no type of remedy is working to eliminate the warts, consult a specialist so that he or she can recommend another alternative.

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