7 Amazing Reasons To Eat Mango

Thanks to its high fiber content, mango is a very good fruit for our digestive health, as well as for keeping our intestinal transit in order.

What comes to mind when we talk about eating mango? Most people can think of a sweet fruit that can be consumed in a variety of ways.

What never crosses our minds is the idea that eating them offers a great health benefit.

Some call it the queen of fruits and others consider it a tropical fruit par excellence. No matter how you look at it, the benefits of manga are too many not to take them into account.

So here are 7 reasons why you should eat mangoes more often.

1. Improves your digestive health

Mango is an excellent choice when it comes to eliminating indigestion or acidity problems. The digestive enzymes that this fruit contains help to promote natural digestion and make it more efficient.

Because it is rich in bioactive ingredients, such as esters, terpenes and aldehydes, it helps to improve appetite and also the functioning of the digestive system.

Therefore, it is a good alternative in children’s diet.

2. Prevents cancer and improves heart health


Mangoes contain high amounts of pectin, a soluble dietary fiber that effectively helps to reduce blood fat levels.

Though it’s hard to believe, eating mangoes lowers the risk of gastrointestinal tract cancer.

Mango, like other fruits, is considered basic for the preparation of artisanal remedies within the indigenous communities of several tropical countries.

3. Favors healthy weight gain

Eating mangoes on a regular basis is one of the most effective ways to gain weight quickly. This is very helpful for people who have trouble reaching their ideal weight.

Just 150 grams of mangoes have almost 86 calories, which can be easily absorbed by your body.

In addition, mango contains starch, which turns into sugar, providing a good dose of all-natural energy. Our recommendation is to consume it in small portions, once or twice a week.

A good option is to prepare a mango beat.


  • ½ small sleeve
  • 1 glass of milk (200 ml)

Method of preparation:

  • Peel the mango and chop it. Place the pieces in the blender cup, along with the milk.
  • Beat until you get a smooth drink.
  • If you want something fresh, you can add two ice cubes.

4. Delays the signs of aging

Eating mango will help you have a healthy glowing face while lightening and removing blemishes caused by the sun or acne. That’s because mangoes are rich in vitamin A and vitamin C.

These two vitamins are in charge of promoting collagen production. To get these benefits, just include a small mango in your diet every now and then.

5. Eating mango strengthens your immune system

Like carrots, mango is rich in beta-carotene. This compound helps boost the immune system and make it impervious to bacteria and toxins.

When you consume adequate amounts of beta-carotene and vitamin A, antioxidant protection is formed that causes your immune system to function at its maximum capacity.

This presents you with additional protection against free radicals that damage your internal systems.

6. Prevents and controls diabetes

Eating mango is a great natural remedy for diabetes as long as you don’t overdo it. Of course, you may have heard that diabetics should avoid this delicious fruit at all costs, but nothing is further from reality.

While it is true that this fruit is very sweet, if consumed in small amounts, it will help control diabetes. That’s because it has completely natural fiber and sugars.

Our recommendation is to include it in small portions once or twice a week.

Another option for regulating your glucose levels is to drink water from mango leaves.


  • 15 mango leaves
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

Method of preparation

  • Place the mango leaves into the glass of water and let stand overnight.
  • In the morning, remove the leaves and drink the water on an empty stomach.

7. Eating mango fights anemia and helps during pregnancy

Do you know what anemia and pregnancy have in common? In either case, you need to consume the proper amount of iron.

Because it is rich in iron, mango is ideal for preventing anemia, as this mineral is one of the bases that make up the blood.

In the case of pregnant women, they need to work for two. The little being they carry in their womb requires enough iron for the proper functioning of their internal organs.

Pregnant women may be advised by a doctor to take an iron supplement. The problem is that they have a metallic taste and may not be well absorbed by the body.

If that’s your case, consider getting into the habit of consuming a mango and spinach shake.

Enjoy the mango season to eat it

We know that it is not possible to eat mango all year round in some parts of Brazil and the world. Therefore, we recommend including it in your diet when the fruit is harvest time, to take advantage of all its nutrients.

Just remember not to consume more than one unit a day and get enough exercise to control the energy it provides.

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