Healthy Slimming Vitamin From Strawberry, Oats And Ginger

We can consume this slimming vitamin for breakfast, to speed up our metabolism early in the day, or in the afternoon to satiate the craving for sweets.

Discover in this article  the recipe for a simple and delicious slimming vitamin to balance those extra pounds  with three healthy and nutritious ingredients: strawberry, oats and ginger.

What is a slimming vitamin?

To lose weight in a healthy way without a rebound effect, we must stop counting calories and reduce fat and start choosing natural and healthy foods that nourish, satiate and allow us to continue enjoying food without going hungry.

A slimming vitamin is a drink in which we can include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and spices to get  a recipe that will bring us everything our body needs, as well as nutrients that facilitate weight loss.

A good slimming vitamin should contain:

  • Fresh fruits and/or vegetables.
  • Cold first pressure oils.
  • Fiber-rich carbohydrates.
  • Supplements or spices that help us maximize the benefits we want to obtain.
Strawberry Oat Vitamin

Properties of slimming vitamin ingredients

All foods contain calories. However, in this case,  our body uses more calories to assimilate nutrients,  which favors weight loss.

Other foods contain fiber to satiate us and facilitate bowel function, or help speed up our metabolism to burn more calories.


This delicious red fruit is an excellent food to lose weight and keep enjoying the food.

  • Strawberries have very little sugar but are rich in soluble fiber.
  • It has depurative and diuretic properties that help us eliminate toxins  and fluids from our bodies.
  • Strawberries, moreover, are rich in vitamin C and minerals such as iron, potassium and iodine, which help us to prevent nutritional deficiencies.


Oats cannot be lacking in a healthy and balanced diet. Although not low in calories, it contains so many nutrients that it helps us to prevent health problems and achieve a proper weight.

  • This cereal is very rich in fiber, minerals such as iron, zinc or magnesium and essential fatty acids.
  • It is a very satiating food that brings energy, regulates sugar levels, fights anxiety and improves digestion.
  • It is ideal to  fight the cravings that make us eat uncontrollably. 


  • This exotic spice with a refreshing and spicy flavor stands out for its ability to  increase energy metabolism, allowing us to burn calories more easily.
  • It also helps to regulate appetite, fight fluid retention and reduce swelling.
  • Ginger is the perfect condiment for all types of food, as it facilitates digestion and enhances the juiciness and flavor of food.

Prepare your slimming vitamin

This vitamin is very simple to prepare and can be consumed as a breakfast or as an afternoon snack, whether you want to lose a few pounds or if you want to maintain a balanced weight.


  • 5 ripe strawberries
  • Two scoops of oat flakes (16 g)
  • A pinch of fresh grated or powdered ginger
  • A glass of water (200 ml)
  • A little stevia or bee honey to sweeten (optional)

We recommend  choosing organic foods, especially in the case of strawberries and oats,  which are often heavily contaminated with pesticides that can be harmful to health.

Method of preparation

  • The night before, put the two tablespoons of oat flakes to soak in the glass of water. It should stay like this for a few hours to facilitate the vitamin preparation and improve cereal digestion.
  • In the morning, add all the ingredients to the blender jar (the ripe strawberries, the oats and the water that has been soaked, in addition to the ginger).
  • Beat well until you get a smooth texture.
  • This vitamin will be smoothie type  quite thick and creamy. If you want it to be more liquid, just add more water.
  • Optionally, sweeten the vitamin with honey or stevia.
  • When serving, you can garnish with half a strawberry and a small piece of fresh ginger.

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