6 Tips To Get It Right When Buying Secondhand Clothes

Buying secondhand clothes is a trend that should never go out of style. Its benefits for the environment and the economy are enormous.
6 tips to get it right when buying secondhand clothes

Buying second-hand clothes is a positive thing from several points of view. In environmental terms, this contributes to the reduction and reduction of textile waste,  as well as the disposal of clothes that are still useful.

Likewise, many people can have access to quality clothing at affordable prices. Furthermore, the niche as a whole generates several job possibilities.

Buying second hand clothes has become popular thanks to the concept of sustainability that is becoming more and more necessary in the world. It refers to the  ability to meet our needs without compromising resources that may be needed by future generations.

So, currently, we find several enterprises that are dedicated to recovering second-hand clothes to resell them in better conditions and prices. They were joined by recognized brands, which bet on extending the life cycle of the clothes they sell.

4 Reasons Why You Should Buy Secondhand Clothes

We know there are many questions about  why we should extend the cycle  of  life  of clothing. Here, we leave 4 reasons to clarify these doubts.

1. Unique and dreamy clothes

Entering a secondhand clothing store is like entering a store full of treasures! With the growth of this market, it is possible to find fashion and designer pieces at incredible prices.

On the other hand, if you are a vintage lover  , you will feel like you are dreaming. In these stores, there are priceless clothes  that are no longer available in regular stores. So, take your time to choose.

tips to get it right when buying secondhand clothes
Vintage clothes are often the stars of second-hand stores. If that’s your style, you’ll love it.

2. Support the local economy

Most secondhand clothing stores are small businesses. In other words, they are people who dreamed of opening a company and are in the process of growth. Therefore, by shopping at these locations, you are supporting the growth of the local economy.

In these stores, we often find people who are caring and willing to help. Most of them are sellers with extensive knowledge of fashion and brands that can enrich your look and also your wisdom in terms of fashion and style.

3. Free up space in landfills

When buying secondhand clothes, we free up landfill space in a number of ways. First, by giving clothes that are in good condition a second chance,  you prevent them from saturating waste disposal spaces.

Second, you’ll be buying clothes that, for the most part, are designed to last, meaning they’re made with quality raw materials. This prevents you from purchasing cheap, low-quality clothes that end up in the trash with little use.

4. Take care of environmental resources

It is not because we left this reason last that it is less important. The sustainable consumption of clothes  avoids the exploitation of natural resources,  such as cotton, water, land and different natural fibers, used to make more and more clothes.

The main factor of contamination is in the dyeing process of textiles, whether they are of natural or artificial origin. The latter, in fact, are more difficult to dye and generally require a lot of heavy and toxic metals. These components, in turn, require large amounts of water.

Tips to get it right when buying secondhand clothes

Surely, you already understand why we should buy second-hand clothes, and for that reason, you want to know how to do it. Below, we’ll leave 6 tips to help you choose the best secondhand clothes.

1. Search with time and patience

As we mentioned earlier, to buy secondhand clothes, you first need to be patient. Whether you shop through a virtual platform or in a face-to-face store, it’s best to take the time to research.

These stores usually have large quantities of clothing. So if you want to choose the best parts, you will have to search, search and search. That way, you’ll avoid taking something home that you’re not entirely comfortable with.

2. open your mind

These second-hand stores usually have vintage clothing  . Hence, you must have an open mind. If you’ve liked a piece, get rid of prejudices such as  “is this really out of fashion?” .

The important thing here is to help the planet and, at the same time, get unique clothes that are no longer available in common stores.

3. Remember that it’s always better to shop with a good company

One of the tips that we want to leave, especially when buying in physical stores, is to have a good company. A good friend  can help you find the most valuable pieces and will help you decide  if they suit you or not.

Also, this way you can make more people fall in love with secondhand clothes and the idea will spread among your friends.

4. Examine the clothes very well

Although second – hand stores have generally accepted protocols and care for the clothes,  it never hurts to examine very well the clothes you will take to  home. Check that the buttons are in good condition, as well as the zippers and fasteners.

Check the crotch of the pants. If it’s heavily worn and you have thick legs, maybe this piece isn’t the best option. Also check that there are no stains or heavily unstitched parts.

second hand clothes
Examining the clothing is essential so you don’t have to go back for a return or exchange.

5. Try everything you chose

This is very important! Don’t take your clothes home without trying them on. Take advantage of having company to consider a second opinion.

Don’t take clothes that don’t fit perfectly. You will certainly be too lazy to fix them or go back to exchange. In a few months, the piece will end up in the trash. You will have wasted time and denied the opportunity to extend the life of this part.

6. Wash clothes before using them

Washing clothes, new or used, is essential. Like you,  many people have touched the clothes and tried them on. This way, you will avoid the contagion of different microorganisms.

In fact, the responsible bodies point out that the best way to wash clothes, for disinfection purposes, is to use the hottest mode in the washing machine and the drying cycle.

Buying second hand clothes is a world to be discovered

As you can see,  buying secondhand clothes has great benefits. Everyone is happy, especially our planet.

As a last tip, we suggest you let yourself be seduced by these spaces full of treasures. Go ahead and sell or exchange your clothes, thus contributing to the growth of this market.

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