Why Is It Important To Play Outdoors?

Twenty-first century children are immersed in technology, so they stop playing outdoors. It is convenient for parents to keep them locked, instead of investing in proposals that allow them to benefit from physical activities and contact with nature.
Why is it important to play outdoors?

Play is essential in a child’s life. However, more and more children in cities stop playing outdoors. Thus, they are deprived of the multiple benefits that this brings to their physical, mental and emotional health.

Children spend most of their free time watching television, playing video games or online. It is more comfortable for parents whether they are at home or in their bedroom. So they can let them play without any supervision. Thus, our comfort deprives children of the joy of playing outdoors.

It also introduces children to new addictions to video games and electronic devices. But, of course, it is a reality that affects children in big cities the most. Not so much for those who live in smaller towns with larger open spaces around them.

Contact with nature

boys playing outdoors

The lack of contact with nature that we live as adults and children in the 21st century has led psychologists to talk about the existence of Nature’s Deficit Disorder. This discomfort is associated with problems such as lack of concentration, hyperactivity, obesity, depression and anxiety.

The way to remedy this disease is very simple: just allow the children to reconnect with nature. For example, the simple act of breathing fresh air, crawling on the lawn, running through the trees, smelling the scent of flowers or enjoying the flight of birds are fundamental experiences in children’s lives.

Playing outdoors allows them to relax and reconnect with the tranquility stolen by the hyperconnectivity of electronic devices and online games. This improves your attention and concentration skills, which are essential for taking on your school responsibilities.

Positive for all ages

We don’t have to wait until the kids are old enough to play outdoors. Since babies, they can benefit from contact with nature. So, even if your baby is sleeping, your baby benefits from walking in a park, in a natural area or in the garden.

These pleasant sensations are etched in your memory forever. In addition, as they grow, children love to play outdoors, where they are in contact with the sun, the breeze, the scents and sounds of nature.

Nature presents them with contact with many new situations and learning, which are hardly comparable to the informational vertigo offered by the Internet or by online games.

In addition, parents also benefit from contact with nature. They free themselves from stress, rest mentally and share pleasant moments of fun and meeting with the family, which strengthen the bond of love that unites them with their children.

Benefits of playing outdoors

Outdoor play is related to numerous benefits for babies, children and teenagers. Of course, they require parents to be vigilant to avoid accidents. If children are going to play in a very large park, a beach or a field, for example, supervision is also needed to prevent them from getting lost.

  • Children play with a sense of freedom, even when controlled by their parents. Thus, they live a different experience of playing inside a house.
  • Playing outdoors improves physical development as they exercise, can run, jump and develop new skills.
  • Extra physical activity allows them to release energy and tension. So they come home much more relaxed and sleep better.
  • In addition, it is also possible to prevent childhood obesity, as they burn a lot of calories in a natural and healthy way.
  • Playing outdoors fuels imagination and creativity. They invent new hobbies and are able to play with a stick or a rock.
  • Contact with nature strengthens the immune system. They become more resistant to all types of bacteria and dust.
  • Children learn to adapt to various weather conditions, from sun to rain and wind.
  • Contact with the sun is essential for the absorption of vitamin D and calcium, which strengthens children’s growing bones.
  • They come into contact with other children, which favors socialization. This allows them to cultivate new friendships, manage emotions and conflicts that may arise.
  • For teenagers, the possibility of going camping not only benefits them from contact with nature, but also invites them to take on new responsibilities.
Playing outdoors offers children countless benefits

final reflection

Playing outdoors provides an excellent opportunity to enjoy family time. Parents and children, including the extended family that includes grandparents, uncles and cousins, benefit from these gatherings in the shade of a tree, beside a river stream or camping on a mountain.

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