5 High Fiber Juices To Fight Constipation

In addition to helping us fight constipation, pineapple helps us to speed up metabolism and eliminate fat, so it is also highly recommended for those who want to lose weight.
5 juices rich in fiber to fight constipation

A delicious and healthy way to fight constipation is to drink fiber-rich juices. Constipation is a health problem that occurs when a person has difficulty evacuating and does so only three times or less a week.

The origin of this condition is varied, since it can be related to several digestive problems, a low fiber diet or insufficient fluid intake, among others.

At first, the person may not know they have this condition and it goes unnoticed. However, when the organism takes a long time to expel the stools,  very uncomfortable symptoms usually appear. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention and find a search to stimulate intestinal transit.

Currently, there are many laxatives and medications that can work, but their use can generate addiction and lead to other health problems. Fortunately,  natural alternatives such as high-fiber juices can help alleviate this problem. Next, we teach you how to prepare them.

1. Green juice against constipation

Green juice helps fight constipation

Green vegetables have important nutrients and antioxidants  that help clean the body by stimulating waste elimination. Its combination with ingredients such as pumpkin and carrots provide an important contribution of fiber, which is important to combat constipation.


  • 1 bunch of broccoli
  • 1 small sprig of spinach
  • half pumpkin
  • two carrots
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)

How to prepare it?

  • Wash the vegetables and place them in a blender with ½ cup of water to facilitate liquefaction.
  • Drink two glasses a day : one on an empty stomach and one hour before bed.

2. Juices rich in pineapple and orange fibers

Fiber is the main compound in this delicious juice to fight constipation. Its depurative and diuretic properties help to eliminate waste from the body  and keep the intestines clean.

As if that weren’t enough, it’s good for those who want to lose weight, as it  provides satiety  and stimulates the metabolism.


  • a slice of pineapple
  • the juice of an orange
  • 2 dried figs
  • two plum raisins
  • One tablespoon of wheat bran (15 g)
  • One tablespoon of flax or linseed seeds (10 g)

How to prepare it?

  • Blend everything in a blender  until you get a smooth mixture.
  • Drink this juice every day on an empty stomach, as the body assimilates fiber better and activates intestinal peristalsis from the beginning of the day.

3. Fruit juice

Fruit juice helps fight constipation

The combination of fruits like apple, pineapple and pear makes a healthy drink, rich in fiber and gentle on the intestines. This juice can be given to children  because it is not aggressive to the digestion, besides having a delicious taste.


  • half pear
  • half apple
  • A slice of chopped pineapple
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

How to prepare it?

  • Wash and chop the pear, apple and pineapple. Blend everything in a blender until you get a lump-free juice.
  • Drink one cup on an empty stomach three times a week.

4. Papaya and linseed juice

Papaya and Flaxseed Juice Helps Fight Constipation

Papaya and flaxseed digestive juice is suitable for people who have to deal with  slow digestion, gastritis problems, colitis and constipation.

Papaya contains digestive and anti-inflammatory enzymes, as well as fiber, antioxidants and other important nutrients. Flaxseed, in turn, contains fiber, antioxidants and essential fatty acids, which contribute to improving overall health.


  • ½ papaya
  • Two tablespoons of flaxseed (20 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

How to prepare it?

  • Blend all ingredients in a blender and until you get a lump-free mixture.
  • Drink fasted daily for 15 days straight.

Spinach and linseed juice

It is one of the most complete fiber-rich juices, as it  incorporates in a single drink ingredients rich in antioxidants and fiber  to cleanse the colon and fight constipation.


  • spinach leaves
  • the juice of an orange
  • some plums
  • One tablespoon of linseed (10 g)

How to prepare it?

  • Wash the spinach leaves and place them in a blender with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Beat everything until you get a smooth drink without lumps.
  • Preferably take on an empty stomach.

In order to obtain excellent results and be able to fight constipation with any of these fiber-rich juices,  it is also very important to improve your diet in general, adopting a diet based on fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

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