9 Tips To Fight Constipation Naturally

Staying active is essential to promote peristalsis and thus fight constipation. If you spend a lot of time sitting, try to get up from time to time to avoid problems.
9 Tips to Fight Constipation Naturally

The most common recommendation for treating constipation is to adopt a high fiber diet, choosing foods such as fruits and vegetables, pulses, whole grains, and oilseeds.

However, many people still suffer from this disorder despite maintaining a balanced diet.

This article will give you nine tips to get rid of the most difficult constipation in a natural way, and present some clues related to bowel function that you may not know about.

Fighting the cause of constipation

To get rid of this disorder in a natural way, one must consider the cause of the problem in order to end or alleviate the symptoms.

For this reason, fighting chronic constipation can be a complex and different issue for each person.

Below, we highlight factors that may be causing or aggravating this intestinal disorder, so that it can be effectively and definitively overcome.

1. Drink water

drink water

When increasing your fiber intake, following the advice of your nutritionist, you should also increase your water intake, because otherwise it can make the situation worse.

Drinking water helps digest fiber, prevents bloating and facilitates intestinal transit, especially for those who tend to consume fiber or bran from fortified foods.

It is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, separate from meals.

2. Fighting nervousness

Many cases of severe constipation are caused by nervousness that affects bowel movements.

In this case, to fight constipation it is necessary to relax the nervous system with exercise, conscious breathing and natural supplements such as passion fruit, lemon balm and lavender.

3. Assess the thyroid


It is convenient that, in the face of any recurrent or chronic problem, we carry out exams to know our general state of health.

In the case of constipation,  one of the factors that can make it worse, for no apparent reason, is a malfunction of the thyroid.

If the analysis is confirmed, treatment should be aimed at regulating the functioning of this gland to indirectly improve bowel function.

4. Get out of a sedentary lifestyle

The sedentary lifestyle affects a large part of the population, not only those who do not practice sports regularly, but also those who spend many hours a day sitting without even getting up.

The lack of movement and exercise increasingly immobilizes the abdomen, which needs movement to facilitate intestinal peristalsis.

This is essential for pushing stool out of our bodies.

5. Beware of laxatives


People who try to fight constipation with chemical laxatives and even some natural ones with irritating effects, such as senna, can suffer, in the long term, a chronic bowel disorder.

Laxatives should be nothing more than very sporadic remedies for occasional bouts of constipation.

When using laxatives, we must take bacterial flora supplements to repopulate it, and consume foods rich in mucilages, such as:

  • Chia seeds
  • Flax seeds
  • Oat
  • plantain

6. A support for the liver

In some cases, impaired liver and gallbladder function can make bowel evacuation difficult.  If you suffer from indigestion, vision problems or premature crow’s feet this may be the case.

To improve liver and biliary function you can opt for natural remedies based on milk thistle, dandelion, boldo or artichoke.

7. Anywhere is good


Many people cannot go to the bathroom if they are not home. This bad habit is ultimately detrimental to bowel function.

For this reason, it is necessary to find a way to go to the bathroom whenever the body needs it. 

8. Key Diet Ingredients

Some foods have very beneficial laxative properties to improve intestinal function in a gentle and natural way:

  • prunes
  • Kiwi
  • baked apple with peel
  • Chia and linseed seeds
  • cooked oatmeal
  • Psyllium

9. Watch the belly

A final piece of advice is to become aware of your own body and not hesitate to listen to it to give it what it needs.

Sometimes it can be as simple as a self-oil massage, a touch, or the application of heat for a while before bedtime.

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