8 Ideal Foods To Replenish Your Skin’s Collagen

Although we can achieve this with facial creams and lotions, the truth is that to replenish collagen it is more convenient to include foods rich in this nutrient in our diet.
8 ideal foods to replenish your skin's collagen

If you are over 35 and notice that your skin has less elasticity, firmness, and that the first wrinkles are appearing, let’s introduce the culprit: collagen.

It is a protein secreted by connective tissue cells called fibroblasts. It constitutes about 30% of the body’s total protein mass, and 80% of the total connective tissue.

In other words, this protein is the adhesive that binds our entire body together. Without its presence, the human organism could not have cohesion in all its components.

Collagen and our skin

Replace collagen in the skin

The health of our skin is directly linked to collagen, as it is responsible for protecting our body structures and forming a barrier against toxins and harmful external agents.

Unfading is a major component of hair and nails, as well as ligaments and connective tissues. More specifically, it is responsible for the firmness of the skin, as it makes up most of the dermis.

For this reason, its lack causes a lack of firmness and increases flaccidity. So, learn how to replace collagen.

When do we start to lose collagen and why?

Human beings begin to lose it after the age of 25, and its effects are more evident after 35 years of age.

With the reduction of collagen, the epithelial structures are weaker, the skin becomes thinner, the hair weaker, wrinkles and flaccidity appear.

Also, tendons and ligaments become less elastic and joints lose flexibility.

Factors that accelerate collagen loss

  • Exposure to the sun, smoking, pollutants, some toxic agents, stress and exaggerated physical exercise increase the production of free radicals that destroy existing collagen.
  • The hormonal change that occurs during menopause and aging reduces its production.
  • Health problems with treatments that impair the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

What can we eat to replenish skin collagen?

Wrinkles: signs of age

Although at one point collagen production begins to decline, all is not lost. There are some foods that are rich in this protein, and others that help create it.

In short, its consumption can help replenish collagen and restore skin firmness and elasticity. They are as follows:

1. Meat

Meat is an important nutritional element in our diet. Due to its high collagen content, meats from:

  • cow
  • Chicken
  • Goat
  • Ox
  • Deer

Giblets, paws, bone broth, etc. are very rich in proteins and collagen.

2. Fish

Although fish have a lower concentration of this nutrient compared to meat, they have a large amount of protein, especially in the scales.

The omega 3 found in salmon and tuna protects the fatty membrane around the skin cells.

As a result, it reduces inflammation and provides elasticity and firmness.

3. Gelatin

Gelatin helps to replenish collagen

Gelatin is 90% composed of collagen protein derivatives. Plus, it’s low in calories.

4. Red fruits and vegetables

Red fruits such as apples, strawberries, cherries, beets, red peppers contain lycopene, a substance that is not only antioxidant, but also helps to replenish collagen.

5. Fruits rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C is critical for collagen production. We can find it in orange, lemon, kiwi, grapefruit, pineapple and some other fruits.

Furthermore, they contain antioxidants that reduce the formation of wrinkles.

6. Vegetables

Likewise, vegetables such as kale, cabbage, eggplant, endive or spinach are excellent for the production of collagen.

7. Sulfur rich foods

Excellent olives to replenish collagen

Foods such as celery, green and black olives, garlic, cucumbers, bananas, onions and tofu have a high sulfur content, which stimulates collagen production.

8. Other foods

Other foods you should include in your diet are soy milk, cheese, tea, oilseeds, and foods rich in lysine, as well as potatoes, seaweed, and brewer’s yeast.

All products listed are easy to find. Combine them into a diet you like that is healthy and balanced, and you will be able to notice the effects on your skin when you increase your body’s collagen production.

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