8 Alkaline Diets For Health Care

Why should we follow alkaline diets? Our body’s pH must be slightly alkaline to maintain balance and stay healthy.

Why should we follow alkaline diets? You’ve certainly heard of their benefits on numerous occasions, which is, in fact, true. It is known that the pH of our body must be slightly alkaline to obtain a proper balance and to remain healthy.

In general, the foods we eat are very “acidic”. Salt, fats, processed foods, sweets. All of this creates an acidic environment at the cellular level that, in the long run, increases the likelihood of us suffering health problems.

So what can we do? Achieve an “acid-alkaline” balance through diet.

Today we’ll show you some simple examples. Come on?

8 alkaline diet options for breakfast


As we have already recommended on several occasions, the ideal for good health is to start the day with a glass of warm water with the juice of a lemon. Always do it on an empty stomach and then wait half an hour to start breakfast.

You can take this time to take a shower or get ready. After thirty minutes, here are some interesting options for breakfast:

  • A bowl with a chopped apple with watermelon. Almond Milk.
  • An omelet with spinach and a carrot juice.
  • Green tea with wholegrain bread and cherry tomatoes.
  • Apple and beet juice. Pumpkin bread with honey.
  • Sprouted wheat pie with spinach. A natural pineapple juice.
  • Pear juice, a bowl of sour cherries, chunks of watermelon and hazelnuts or almonds.
  • Green tea, a bowl of dates and raisins. An omelet made with two garlics.
  • Fresh apple juice, two carrots boiled and then baked in the oven with a little cinnamon on top. Wholemeal pita bread with some cherry tomatoes. Very good!

8 Alkaline Diet Options for Lunch

complete diet salad

It’s lunchtime and, as you might have guessed, the main suggestion is a salad. Do you like them?

So the ideal is to have a little imagination and prepare varied dishes rich in vitamins and nutrients, where we can balance the pH with alkaline and acidic foods. Want some simple examples?

  • Green salad: arugula, lettuce and canony. Black olives. Cucumber pieces and some red grapes. Add some tofu and season with apple cider vinegar and a little olive oil. Also prepare a bowl of humus. You may already know that humus is a chickpea pate, so it’s tasty and very healthy.
  • Green juice : cabbage juice, with half avocado, cucumber, celery and half a glass of water. Also add a little olive oil and accompany the juice with pita bread and cherry tomatoes.
  • An omelet with spinach and garlic, accompanied by a salad with avocado, walnuts, celery and arugula.
  • Steamed Brussels sprouts  with apple cider vinegar and olive oil. A beetroot and apple juice. Cherry tomatoes with garlic on top.
  • A grilled chicken breast with chives and asparagus. Open endives with a little apple cider vinegar.
  • Cabbage juice with spinach and celery. Whole grain pita bread with mustard, leeks, tomato and a little avocado.
  • Scrambled eggs with asparagus. Salad with spinach, walnuts and orange pieces.
  • Chicken breast with tomatoes, garlic and asparagus. Celery salad, arugula, walnuts and apple pieces.

Alkaline Diet Suggestions for Afternoon Snacks

  • Natural melon juice.
  • Almond Milk.
  • Green tea.
  • An apple in pieces with walnuts or almonds.
  • Any wild fruit like blackberries, blueberries, raspberry. Ideal combined with a banana smoothie, for example.

8 Alkaline Diet Options for Dinner


  • Carrot soup with pumpkin. Baked salmon with olive oil and chives.
  • Pumpkin cream. Baked chicken breast with some mustard and cherry tomatoes.
  • Tuna with basmati rice sauteed with lemon and olive oil.
  • Pumpkin in the oven. An omelet with scrambled asparagus.
  • Celery soup with almond pieces. Wholemeal pita bread with pieces of avocado, pepper and tomato.
  • A little humus. A salad of arugula, kale, tomatoes and small pieces of turkey breast.
  • A baked potato with olive oil. Salmon and an apple juice.
  • Caramelized carrots with cinnamon. Brown basmati rice with avocado, raisins and almonds, sauteed with the juice of half a lemon.

In conclusion, it would be ideal if you would follow these alkaline diets at least three times a week. However, keep in mind another essential aspect: living every day with a very high level of stress also decompensates the body.

Our immune system is weakened and our pH is also out of balance.

The acidity level rises in our cells, less oxygen is transported and, in the long run, these small reactions will alter our overall health. Therefore, follow these tips to have a better quality of life:

  • Follow these alkaline diets at least three times a week.
  • Properly manage your situations from stress to anxiety.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Get regular medical checks to control your pH balance.

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