7 Things You Can Do With Tinfoil And You Didn’t Know

The uses you can make of aluminum foil are often unknown. You can apply them to your everyday life to solve many common problems. Discover some of them!
7 things you can do with aluminum foil and you didn't know

There are many functions and uses of aluminum foil in everyday life. For example, it can help to preserve some foods and

Aluminum foil and its various uses

The many uses you can put this paper in range from returning the cut to worn scissors to being used to bake a cake. How is all this possible? First, we must understand some of the properties that make it so versatile:

  • It has thermal tolerance, as it withstands high temperatures such as freezing.
  • It is a conductor of electricity and heat (the matte part is the one that retains heat, while the bright part rejects it).
  • It is waterproof : it does not allow the passage of water or moisture.
  • It’s malleable and flexible.

Notice about the toxicity of aluminum foil

A traditional use of aluminum foil is to wrap food while cooking in the oven. However, a 2016 study conducted by researchers at the Juan Agustín Maza University of Argentina details that aluminum can be toxic.

Specifically, it is explained that there may be a migration of aluminum towards food, especially when exposed to heat. The accumulation of this element can favor the appearance of chronic diseases such as kidney failure, senile dementia or Alzheimer’s.

This is not the only source describing such effects of aluminum foil. A 2012 study published in the International Journal of Electrochemical Science supports this claim, although it notes that the World Health Organization finds the result values ​​’unacceptable’.

Possible uses for aluminum foil

In addition to what was previously mentioned in relation to its handling during contact with food, we must also consider that aluminum foil cannot replace the medical treatment of the problems that we will list below. If you have any health problems, go to the doctor.

1. Relieve pain

woman with neck pain

About this supposed use of aluminum foil, there are different positions. First, as mentioned before, chronic exposure to aluminum – for example, when used for cooking or contained in drinking water – produces inflammatory responses that are harmful to the brain. This is confirmed by a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience Research .

However, there are those who claim that a certain use of aluminum foil can help relieve various pains. This is due to the fact that the heat generated by the body would remain in contact with the skin for a longer time, as it retains and conducts it.

In fact, medical sources like the Merck Manuals confirm this application of heat to treat inflammation. However, it is not body heat, but an external source, usually designed specifically for therapeutic purposes.

Ultimately, it is a popularly pervasive technique, but with no evidence to back it up. Below, we will describe a supposed form of use, but it should be noted that it is not advisable to use this procedure without the prior approval of the professional.

  • Cut the foil and cover the painful area.
  • On it, put a bandage.
  • Leave to act for a prudent time and remove.

2. Ironing clothes faster

woman ironing clothes

In order to reduce the time spent ironing clothes, some beliefs recommend placing aluminum foil on the ironing board and the clothes on top. That way, in theory, you can iron both sides of the garment at once, as the heat will be reflected.

3. Static remover for washing clothes

Clothes are often “lost” in the washing machine. This is due to static electricity that is generated and causes clothes to stick together during drying.  make three aluminum balls and place them in the washing machine to completely eliminate static as it will absorb the loads released during washing.

4. Fix a stack connection

It may happen that some remote controls do not work properly even though they have new batteries. What happens is that after a while, the springs that hold the batteries together can loosen and don’t fit as well as they used to.

A popularly recommended solution is to add a small piece of aluminum foil between the battery and the spring. As it is a good conductor of electricity, it will allow it to pass through, which will make the control work perfectly.

Extreme care must be taken when handling these devices, as the batteries can release toxic substances that can cause great harm to health, according to a MedlinePlus article.

5. Sharpen scissors

It depends on the frequency and amount of use, but it is no secret that the scissors progressively lose their cut. Even more so if you use it to cut fabrics or hair.

What many people recommend doing is this: take a piece of aluminum foil, fold it into three layers, and cut it with scissors. As you cut, you’ll notice that the scissors will recover the cut.

6. Mold for making cakes

If you want to make cakes with different shapes, such as a star, heart, ball or whatever shape you have in mind, and don’t want to spend money on a mold that you probably won’t use again, try making your own pattern using paper aluminum.

You just need to make the mold using a double sheet to give it a little more firmness. Being a good conductor of heat, your cake will be perfect and just the way you like it.

7. Seal a bag

It may happen that you need to seal a bag to store food and that you only have the most common ones. Don’t worry, with an iron and aluminum foil, you can make your own bag with an airtight seal.

All you need to do is place the aluminum where you want to seal it and iron it over it.  In just a few seconds, you’ll have your own bag with a homemade closure.

Make responsible use of aluminum foil

In conclusion, it is opportune to emphasize the need to take due care in using this element. Of course, only adults can use it in the ways mentioned above, and children shouldn’t try.

Finally, remember that these uses can help you get out of trouble, but they are not the ultimate solution to the problems mentioned. Especially in the face of health problems, it is best to use proven methods and receive guidance from professionals on the subject.

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