7 Reasons You Should Eat More Eggplant

In addition to having diuretic properties, eggplant is rich in antioxidants that help keep cholesterol down, improve memory and prevent premature aging.
7 reasons for you to eat more eggplant

Discover some reasons to eat more eggplant, a vegetable well known around the world not only for its versatility in gastronomy, but also because it has a high concentration of nutrients that benefit your health.

In antiquity it was thought that it was a toxic food and not suitable for human consumption due to the color that characterizes it.

However, over time it was  incorporated into the diets of many populations and, thus, it was proven to have many medicinal qualities.

Currently, it is recommended for all types of diets due to its high level of antioxidants, which  have anti-cancer, slimming and anti-aging characteristics.

Despite this, many still do not know how beneficial the regular consumption of eggplant is, and how it contributes to the general well-being of the body.

So, we want to share 7 interesting reasons to start eating more eggplant today.

Benefits we get from eating more eggplant

1. Protects cardiovascular health

cardiovascular health

This vegetable has a high amount of fiber, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B complex whose effects on the body contribute to the protection of heart health.

Its high amount of flavonoid substances is related to a reduced risk of developing chronic cardiovascular diseases.

2. Helps control cholesterol levels

Complementing the above benefit, it is important to mention that eggplant is one of the best foods to control blood cholesterol levels.

It has a compound called chlorogenic acid, one of the most powerful antioxidants that can be found in plants.

This natural acid has been proven to reduce excess fat in the arteries and also contain  anti-cancer, anti-viral and anti-microbial properties.

In addition, vitamins and minerals improve circulation health and prevent fats from settling in the arteries.

3. Reduces the risk of cognitive disorders

cognitive health

Eating more eggplant can have interesting benefits for brain and nervous system health.

Its antioxidants effectively fight the body’s free radicals and consequently improve memory and cognitive abilities.

In the bark there is a substance called nasunin, whose antioxidant powers facilitate the transport of nutrients to brain cells.

It also increases blood flow to the brain, preventing age-related mental disorders.

4. Fights fluid retention

Eggplant’s diuretic properties benefit patients with fluid retention problems and inflammation.

Prepared in water, it becomes one of the best remedies to alleviate symptoms related to these problems.

5. Fights excess abdominal fat

Abdominal fat

Although it doesn’t seem true, eggplant is one of the best foods to fight excess fat that accumulates in the abdomen.

Although it is not a miracle product or something similar, its consumption is an excellent complement for those who are trying to lose weight.

  • This benefit is explained by its powerful diuretic and purifying effect, which contributes to the removal of waste that accumulates in the body.
  • It is also a stimulant of liver functions, which is key to correct fat metabolism.
  • In addition, its natural fiber improves digestive processes and prolongs the feeling of satiety, reducing the insatiable craving for calories.

6. Prevents premature aging

The antioxidants that this powerful vegetable has have a direct effect on protecting the body’s cells.

Its regular consumption reduces the risk of various types of cancer and chronic pathologies linked to the aging process.

In addition, it prevents the premature loss of collagen and elastin, keeping the skin looking young and healthy.

7. Strengthens bones and joints

joint pain

Consuming several servings of this food could help reduce the risk of diseases that affect bones and joints.

  • It is a source of vitamin A, B, C and E, in addition to minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron.
  • All of these nutrients, together with folic acid,  protect bone health and control the inflammatory processes that lead to the development of diseases such as arthritis.

As you just realized, it is a very complete food that can offer multiple benefits in the medium and long term.

Encourage yourself to consume eggplant on a regular basis, either through drinks or delicious dishes.

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