7 Foods Not To Eat At Night

Not choosing correctly the foods we eat at night can influence the quality of sleep and even cause reflux and other digestive discomforts.
7 foods not to eat at night

Dinner is one of the main meals of the day and, therefore, it is not correct to ignore it or to only eat foods that should not be eaten at night.

Although it is true that it should be lighter than other meals, its consumption is  fundamental in many processes that the body performs during the rest period.

In fact, the nutrients obtained at this time of day influence the quality of sleep, digestion and physical and mental energy for the next day.

The inconvenience is that  many do not know how to make correct food choices  and, therefore, there is an overload on the body that can trigger discomfort.

Although it may seem harmless to eat “anything” to relieve hunger before bedtime, in reality there can be several metabolic and digestive consequences.

How to prevent this situation? The most convenient thing is to avoid foods whose characteristics do not make them the best option for the night.

Find out which ones are next!

Foods that should not be eaten at night

1. Noodles

noodle dish

It is not a question of excluding pasta from the regular diet. This food, being an important source of carbohydrates, is ideal for the body’s period of activity (lunch, for example).

  • Eating noodles at night can cause an uncomfortable feeling of heavy stomach  that prevents us from getting adequate rest. Also, due to its calorie content, it can affect metabolism and weight.

2. Ice cream

Having ice cream with dinner or to relieve night cravings is not a good option. While filling and delicious, this food is full of saturated fats, sugars and added substances that affect weight and sleep quality.

  • Its consumption at this time affects digestion,  produces abdominal inflammation and alters the activity of the nervous system.
  • By causing reflux and increasing glucose levels, it interferes with the rest period.

3. Cheeses

cheese board

Cheeses and dishes that contain them as an ingredient should be avoided at all costs, both at dinner and before bedtime. While not entirely harmful, they can cause a heavy stomach and sleep problems.

  • These contain tyramine, an amino acid that  can decrease the production of hormones that regulate sleep.
  • Your fats are heavy for the body and can trigger an inflammatory reaction in the stomach region.

4. Spicy condiments and sauces

Spices and pepper sauces have a flavor that gives a special “touch” to dishes. While it’s not a bad thing to eat them on a regular basis, it  ‘s best to choose to include them in your diet with meals other than dinner.

  • Spicy foods irritate the lining of the stomach and increase the tendency to suffer from burning and heavy digestion.
  • Its consumption before going to bed  causes acid reflux, abdominal burning and stomach pain.

5. Cauliflower


This cruciferous vegetable stood out as a healthy, low-calorie food. Despite these qualities, its consumption at night is not recommended, as  some of its properties increase the production of gases.

  • Eating it with dinner, including several hours before bed, makes the digestion process difficult and increases that feeling of a heavy stomach that can interfere with rest.

6. Dark chocolate

The nutritional properties of dark chocolate allowed it to position itself as a healthy food, despite its significant content of calories and fat. In fact, it  ‘s recommended for improving cognitive health and mood.

However, eating it before bed is a problem, even in moderate portions.

  • This food contains substances that  stimulate the nervous system and keep the brain active for longer.
  • Its energetic effect makes sleep difficult and can trigger episodes of insomnia.

7. Red and sausage meats

Red meats and sausages

The consumption of red meat and sausages should be moderate,  regardless of the time of day. Although these foods contain nutrients, their high content of saturated fats and chemical additives does not make them the best option for a healthy diet.

  • Eating this variety of food before going to bed is a big mistake. Its proteins make digestive work difficult and can cause sleep disorders.
  • Due to their high concentration of calories, they slow down the metabolism and can lead to overweight.

In order not to suffer digestive discomfort and difficulties in the rest period, it is best to consume light dishes, with few calories. Eating balanced and healthy at this time of day is key to maintaining well-being.

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