6 Little-known Benefits Of Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is a very effective and fun way to stay in shape and optimize our lung capacity, as well as increase our stamina.

Jumping rope may remind you of moments from your childhood, but the truth is, it’s one of the most complete cardiovascular exercises you can do.

This simple child’s play activity  can keep you in good condition and considerably increase your stamina.

Plus, it’s the perfect complement to some sports or exercise routines.

Best of all, you don’t need to go to the gym, or rely on machines, dumbbells or any other type of element to get good results.

So you just need a rope and a willingness to move and have fun.

Jumping rope, a cardiovascular exercise

Cardiovascular exercises are very important to maintain good physical health. In this case,  jumping rope increases the heart rate as when, for example, walking, running, climbing or descending stairs or riding a bicycle.

This type of exercise allows the body to use oxygen efficiently, so it benefits the heart, lungs, and circulatory system.

Coordination and movement

If you jumped rope as a child, you should remember that  this exercise requires coordination and movement.

  • Initially it is advisable to practice the foot and arm movements separately.
  • First, start by holding the rope in one hand and both feet together.
  • Then move the rope rhythmically and jump as it gets closer to your feet.

6 benefits of jumping rope you might not know about

In addition to being simple and economical, jumping rope offers us many benefits. Let’s see what they are:

1. Tones the muscles

When you jump the rope,  every muscle in your body works,  starting with the core, upper, and lower muscle groups.

Men use the upper biceps and the trapeze to keep the rope in constant motion. This practice hardens and tones these muscles.

In turn, the abdomen also contracts due to the force of the jumps.

From the lower muscle groups, it is evident that the coordinated movement of the legs and rope generates muscle tension, which  tones and develops the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, and calves.

2. Improves blood circulation

The movement generated when we jump rope  directly benefits our circulatory system.

The heart works to efficiently pump blood throughout the body. Also, it circulates through the arteries, which reduces the risk of suffering a heart attack or cardiac arrest.

Increases lung capacity

When jumping rope our lungs get more air,  which helps if there are breathing problems.

Still, we improve our stamina, which will allow us to exercise longer without fatigue.

4. Burn calories

Jumping rope for 30 minutes burns approximately 400 calories  as well as whole body fat. This makes this exercise a great ally when we want to lose weight.

5. Elimination of toxins

When we choose this exercise, we expel toxins from our body through sweat. These allow cells to regenerate and function properly.

6. Avoids stress and improves brain activity

Although not scientifically proven,  the coordination needed to jump rope is said to create new neuronal connections.

In addition, the endorphins that are released if we do this exercise help us relax and relieve stress and anxiety.

This generates a positive mindset that increases the chances of having a better quality of life.

Some tips for jumping rope

girl jumping rope

While this is an easy exercise, you need to take some precautions to avoid impacting your joints.

When starting,  the best thing is to do some stretching. Start with smooth jumps and short periods. Soon you may be able to jump faster and for longer periods.

If you’re not in shape, it’s normal to feel fatigued at first. It is recommended that you increase the time little by little to gain more resistance.

Another recommendation is to  combine this exercise with a low intensity exercise routine. They can be aerobic or light weights: this will allow you to jump for longer periods.

Without a doubt, this exercise is one of the best you can do or add to your routine.

Practicing it brings excellent benefits, that’s why it has become  a favorite of fitness lovers and athletes.

Main image provided by © wikiHow.com

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