6 Ideas To Make Your Room Look Bigger

Who says small space is a limitation? If you know how to take advantage of the elements and play with your creativity, you can make a small space a very versatile and pleasant place.
6 ideas to make your living room look bigger
To make the room look bigger, the best you can do is use the decorative elements to create sweeping visual effects.

In addition, you can always find a way to take advantage of spaces and use them. It’s all about learning to look at things from a less conventional point of view to find wonderful alternatives. In this way, you’ll be able to create spaces you’ve always dreamed of.

Certainly, with a few tricks you can get a feeling of breadth and depth. You have to know how to deceive your eyesight to appear to have gained additional square footage and possibilities for well-being. Next, we’ll introduce you to these tricks.

1.Use light colors

Decor in light colors to make the room look bigger

The colors you use to paint your walls are of paramount importance when you want to enhance the ambience. If spaces are small, it is always advisable to use light tones. 

On the other hand, pastel colors, creams, white tones, make the place enlarge and lighten more intensely. The strong and stark colors, unlike the lighter ones, tend to diminish the place. Also, it is not recommended to paint the ceiling in a strong color. 

Finally, the ceiling can be painted an even lighter shade than the walls, this will result in better lighting and will give a refined touch to the space.

Recommended shades

  • Lilac.
  • Beige.
  • Sky blue.
  • Salmon.
  • Light green.
  • Pale pink.
  • Soft tones in general, watercolor type.
  • White (and its different shades: ivory, pure, chalk, etc.).

2.Leave free space in your room

A great trick is to leave a free space in front of a window in a small room. This facilitates the entry of light, providing a feeling of depth and greater breadth. Furthermore, it makes the vision to be directed outwards.

Take the test and you will see how this simple step will help you to enlarge the environment and provide more light, without making major changes. 

Light to make the room look bigger

3. Use of mirrors

This is the ace in the decorators’ sleeve. A large mirror on a wall that doesn’t have much decoration will create the feeling of more space in a small space.

A well-placed mirror will give the space greater breadth. Only one is enough, as placing too many mirrors will unnecessarily overload the environment.

  • Use a single large mirror. 
  • Place it at a right angle to the opening.
  • As close as possible to a window or door.
  • Make sure there isn’t too much decoration on this wall.
  • Use a floor-to-ceiling mirror, this will give the feeling of depth.

4. Room decoration

When choosing the furniture and decoration for your small rooms, keep in mind the tips we’ll give you to provide the illusion of a bigger dimension.

Objects that are further away from the brain are perceived more clearly and with less detail. Based on this concept, we’ll tell you that it’s convenient to place the furniture in a way that makes the place appear more profound:

  • First, choose light furniture.
  • On the other hand, look for accessories with neutral and warm tones.
  • It is definitely better to use furniture with few details.
  • Also, little furniture. One big is better than several small ones.
  • Finally, put a few decorative elements and thus it will look wider. 

5. Choose low furniture

By placing low height furniture, the space will gain depth, as it will allow an unobstructed global view of the place. The low seats and the beanbags look great .

In addition, you can give these furniture a double function, and also optimize space. For example, a puff can open up and become a good place to store things.

6. Order and organization

Like everything else in life, order and organization will give you more space and comfort. We recommend that you place the largest piece of furniture at the back of the room and as far away from the entrance as possible. Organize the rest in a balanced way that helps you delimit areas.

Arranging the room to look bigger
  • First, use a horizontal shelf to organize your ornaments. This way, it will take up less space than the vertical.
  • On the other hand, don’t let furniture obstruct your view. Since an empty space implies amplitude.
  • Also, dark and bulky curtains won’t help you give more light. Leave the windows free or place curtains made of light fabrics and light colors. 
  • Also, don’t accumulate unnecessary things. To look like more space, it’s always better to have less than more.
  • Also, try to keep everything in its place as much as possible. Clutter makes you feel suffocated and that the whole environment will come at you.
  • Try to capture which place should be empty and in which only one object should stand out. This is called the visual rest area.
  • Of course, it is not advisable to place pictures that are too large or in three dimensions, as they take up more space.
  • Finally, you can opt for a minimalist style or similar trends. Remember that the idea is for the room to be practical, elegant and space conscious. 

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