6 Benefits Of Lemon Juice For Your Health

If you can’t stand the acidity of lemon juice even when mixed with water, you can add a little stevia or another natural sweetener, but never refined sugar, so as not to diminish its benefits.
6 Benefits of Lemon Juice for Your Health

Fresh, homemade lemon juice is such an easy food to get, so simple, and so beneficial to your health that you have to know all of its medicinal properties to be willing to take it every day.

Many illnesses can be cured with just this simple habit. Try it!

How to prepare lemon juice  


Lemon juice is the liquid extracted when the lemon is squeezed.

However, to improve the properties we will mention, we  recommend choosing organic lemons to also consume their peel,  which is very rich in nutrients.

If it’s not eco-friendly, don’t use it, as this would add a significant amount of pesticides and waxes to our juice.

To use the whole lemon, beat the whole citrus, cut into four pieces for one minute, together with a glass of water (200 ml). Filter the resulting liquid and soon we will have our medicinal lemon juice ready.

When using lemon with its rind, the drink will also have a bitter taste in addition to the acid.

If you can’t stand the strong taste, you can add a little pure stevia, but always avoid sugar, because it diminishes the benefits of our drink.

1. Powerful antioxidant

Lemon juice is a powerful antioxidant, so it is an excellent remedy to stop the action of free radicals in our body. It mainly contains vitamin C, but also flavonoids and beta-carotenes, among others.

Free radicals are caused by bad habits, poor nutrition, pollution, stress, etc…

Eating antioxidant foods helps us stay healthy, look good, and delay the effects of aging.

2. Complete debugging

Lemon is one of the most depurative fruits that exists, that is, it helps us to remove the toxins that accumulate in our body.

It promotes liver, gallbladder, and kidney function, which indirectly also improves intestinal transit.

Its calcium and potassium content helps fight fluid retention and facilitates the kidney’s depurative work.

3. Alkalize the organism


Even though lemon is acidic, it has the power to  neutralize excess acid in the stomach  and contribute to the alkalinization of the blood and the body in general.

Having a very acidic organism due to poor diet, negative emotions or pollution predisposes you to suffer from all kinds of illnesses.

Some  studies  show that lemons can also be effective in preventing cancer, a disease that can be related to an excessively acidic organism.

4. Cardiovascular protector

Lemon contains significant amounts of vitamin C, hesperidin and rutin, as well as several antioxidants.

These are very beneficial to improve the elasticity of veins and arteries and prevent diseases such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, varicose veins, hemorrhoids or arteriosclerosis.

5. Helps with losing weight

Lemon juice

Lemon is ideal for weight loss diets as it  has the property of stimulating  metabolism  and dissolving fats.

This, together with the virtue of eliminating excess fluid retention, favors a gradual and healthy weight loss and improves our health.

These benefits are achieved thanks to its vitamin C, pectin and caffeine.

On the other hand,  lemon juice has a satiety effect  that makes it a drug for appetite control, especially if taken some time before meals.

6. Improves digestion

Infusions with a little lemon, its juice on an empty stomach or as a spice…. This citrus is a very effective supplement to improve the digestion of our meals.

It prevents heartburn, helps to digest fats and proteins and regulates appetite.

We can change or replace vinegar with lemon in salads and sauces, and add it to all kinds of meats. We can also add your zest to desserts.

Seasoning our meals with lemon also  increases iron absorption and  naturally prevents and fights anemia.

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