5 Effective Ways To Clear Mucus In Children

Although mucus is the body’s defense mechanism, if it accumulates, it can cause a bigger problem for babies and children.
5 Effective Ways to Clear Mucus in Children

Mucus is part of the body’s defense mechanism against viruses and bacteria that populate the air. However, excessive mucus in babies or children, who cannot or do not know how to expel it, is very uncomfortable. It’s up to us to help them eliminate mucus.

Excess mucus and sputum make breathing difficult, so children have bad nights and then worse days. They feel bad, and so do the parents, who don’t know what to do.

Why does mucus appear?

Mucus and sputum come from the airways. The difference: the first ones are expelled through the nose and the second one through the mouth.

The germs are attached to these mucus and then can be eliminated. In this way, the body prevents them from proliferating and producing infections.

Child eliminating mucus

What happens to mucus in babies and children?

Babies and toddlers do not know how to blow or spit. As they grow and learn, it is common for them to secrete a little more mucus than they can get rid of. Your body reacts to this excess mucus by coughing and sneezing.

In the case of babies, excessive phlegm makes them feel nauseous, even vomiting. Diarrhea is often common in periods of excessive mucus, as the baby swallows mucus and expels it through the stool.

How to eliminate mucus?

The mucus is never completely eliminated, because when we expel it, the respiratory mucus forms it again.

1. Wash the nasal passages

Washing the nasal passages with saline or saline solution is the most used and effective tool to help babies and children to eliminate mucus. It does not irritate or have side effects.

It is best to use a spray or aerosol solution . We have to avoid the use of syringes because it is very difficult to calibrate the pressure with which the liquid leaves  and it can generate greater harm.

Mother using one of the methods to clear mucus in children

  • Lay the baby or child on their side and apply the saline solution to the nostril facing up.
  • Then place the child on the other side and repeat the procedure in the other hole.
  • You can warm the saline container with your hands before you apply it to make the liquid less uncomfortable.

2. Use nasal aspirators carefully to clear mucus

  • It is advisable to soften the thick mucus before vacuuming the area.
  • They must be used with care so as not to damage the nasal mucosa.

3. Keep your child hydrated

Water is a great ally to alleviate the discomfort caused by excessive mucus in babies and children. Fluids help to hydrate the throat, which tends to dry out when the nose is congested.

4. Look for a humid environment

Humid environments contribute to the improvement of nasal congestion and coughing. We can use a humidifier in the room, but we have to be careful to clean it daily to prevent fungi and bacteria from proliferating.

make sure the child breathes in the water vapor without getting too close.

5. Keep the house clean

Eliminate mucus so that it does not accumulate

Dust buildup is the ideal environment to increase mucus production. Therefore, clean daily, trying not to raise dust. For this, avoid the use of brooms, vacuum cleaners or fans; it is better to use a damp cloth.

Eliminate mucus so that it does not accumulate

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